How To Do Flight of Passage Without a Fastpass


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You booked your vacation, stayed on Disney property, set Fastpass setting alarms and 60 days out you logged on and BOOM, all the Flight of Passage (FOP) Fastpasses were gone.

Don't fear, I've been there. Multiple times actually. However, I've still ridden FOP! Here are the two ways I've done it...

The First Time (The Wrong Way)

I was so overly excited to ride on the back of a Banshee I walked myself over to the FOP standby line and waited. It was later in the day and the sign said three hours. But low and behold I still waited and rode the most amazing ride I've ever ridden. However, I did only wait about two hours and ten minutes, and to be honest, if it was the only way I could ride it again, I would happily wait again!


The Second Time (The Best Way)

I woke up early (this is key guys!). I woke up early and waited for an Animal Kingdom bus about an hour and ten minutes before park opening. I even met some friends along the way that had the same plan as me, so we stuck together.

Due to bus inconsistencies, we arrived about fifty minutes prior to park opening and there were about 200 people ahead of us in line for bag check. We got through bag check quickly and got into the actual line. We didn't do too bad, there were only about fifteen people in front of us at the turnstiles. About 20 minutes prior to park opening they began to let us in, however stopping us at the first Oasis exhibits. Then about five minutes later half of the group went to a second line hold by Dino Land and the other half picked the bridge to Pandora. At this point, we had about forty people in front of us total. Then about 10 minutes prior to park opening, cast members led us over to FOP and we walked through a small queue and rode the ride.

It was now three minutes after park opening and we were exiting FOP. We then quickly made a B line to the river ride and did that with only waiting about 15 minutes. By 9:30 we were using our first Fastpass at Dinosaur and had already completed the two biggest rides. Oh, did I mention this was the week of Dapper day and Spring Break? The parks were PACKED all day. However, by 12pm, I had done both Pandora rides, Dinosaur, the Safari, Everest, saw the Finding Nemo show and had lunch. Maybe you missed that, so just in case.....

Because I got to the parks ONE HOUR EARLY, in three hours I had ridden 5 E-ticket attractions, seen a show, and scarfed down an amazing lunch and spiked Dole Whip. It was so worth the hour of sleep I lost! I could have even gone home and napped during the hottest part of the day and came back out at night if I wanted!

Have you tried this plan yet? Let us know in the comments!


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