How To Have A Monorail Photoshoot


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The Motive

I’m sure you all know who @styledbymagic is, but just in case you don’t, Chelsea is a Disney Style contributor who always has THE BEST Instagram photos. Seriously follow that link above, check out the photo and then follow her. Now last Spring-ish she had a photoshoot with friends on a monorail car and ever since all I’ve wanted to do was recreate this photoshoot!

The Partner In Crime

To successfully do this I knew I was going to have to find a friend who was going to help me pull this off. *Enter @saraofarendelle.* Now this girl I could not brag about more. She’s one of the real deals. Nothing I said to her was off limits and she was full of genuine conversations, laughs and Starbucks coffee! I brought this up the last time we were together and she was game.

Hitching a Ride

Now the most difficult part of this whole endeavor is this right here. Finding an empty monorail car. Not just one section, THE WHOLE DANG CAR is best if kept to yourself. We almost had it at the Magic Kingdom, but right at the last minute a family of 5 million crowded into our car before we left for the TTC. Now this is where the tall one struck brilliance (sara, not me I gave up quickly). Once we got to the TTC we realized it’s 11pm and the monorail to Epcot was pretty sparse. So we hopped over the fence and quickly hopped into the LAST monorail car and had the whole thing to ourselves.

Please Stand Clear Of The Doors

Once the doors shut it was fair game. I quickly hopped over the seats so we were in two different sections to have good photos that weren’t cropped in. Now if anyone is really photo-y like me you’re going to want a wide angled lens, a 2ish aperture, a bright ISO because those monorail cars are not at all actual white and lastly one dang fast shutter speed since you’re jerked all around and standing! Then pose away! You will get really awesome shots like these!


Best of luck to you and your photoshoot posse! If you manage to get some great pics be sure to tag me so I can see them! Also, there are no security cameras on the monorail according to Disney security, if you were curious…


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