Behind The Seeds Tour


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At Disney there is no lack in entertainment, rides and event tours. However with most things being included in your park ticket most guests feel they don't need to pay for additional events or specials. Unfortunately, if you're an annual passholder like me, you go to the parks enough that you always feel like you could do more! But with most tours costing an upwards of $150 it starts to not be financially feasible to do so.

This is where the Behind The Seeds Tour comes in! Costing only $25 for adults and $20 for kids, this tour lasts for about 40 minutes and a guide takes you through the backstage area of Living With The Land at Epcot. Now, I have always ranked Living with the land as one of my favorite rides. I'm not really sure why, but I always loved going through the different scenes on a nice peaceful boat ride and learning about horticulture and aquaponics. However, I totally understand how not everyone feels this way, and that's fine! I would still strongly suggest that you and your family take this tour.


First and foremost, this tour is the CHEAPEST tour Disney offers on property. Want to be able to check "take a Disney tour" of your bucket list? This is literally the best way to do it! Is it not cheap enough for you? Well, are you an annual passholder, DVC member or Disney Visa cardholder? If so you get a discount off each ticket! For about only $30 my husband and I got to a) tour backstage b) get the inside scoop on our favorite ride c) learn about innovative growing technologies d) check something off our Disney bucket list and e) be in A/C for 50ish minutes and not just be sitting.


This tour is super neat as you get a small taste of backstage living as you walk throughout the greenhouse while people watch you with pure envy. Okay, maybe not quite... But you do get to tour some backstage areas that, if you weren't on the tour, you wouldn't normally get to tour. Also, your tour guide is a Disney cast member who actually works in this greenhouse daily and REALLY knows about these plants and can answer almost every and any question you have! Lastly, what's more immersive then getting to eat the cucumbers grown in the greenhouse and getting to feed the fish in the tanks?


You really learn a lot on this tour. Your guide is super friendly (come on they work for Disney), and extremely knowledgeable. You will learn tons of neat facts about the growing plants and animals in the greenhouses as well as how they have found new and innovative ways to grow more and in a better manner.


Okay. Let's get down to it. What really happens on this tour is... FUN. No seriously. You start out be RESERVING a spot either over the phone or in person at the desk by Soarin'. Then you check in at said desk about ten minutes before your tour to get a name tag. After you follow your guide backstage behind Soarin' to go over some rules and get headsets if you have a large group. Then the guide will take you through the greenhouse room by room and explain what happens and what things are in an extremely fun and informative way that is good for all ages! They will answer questions and give you time to snap photos and really get a good look at things. I don't want to give everything away of what happens but in a nutshell you walk through the greenhouse, chat and walk back after getting and giving a snack :)


Personally I found this tour really good for all ages. The facts captivated both the children, the one teen, me and the 65ish year old lady who was with our group. Also that older lady had a scooter, which means this ENTIRE tour was wheelchair, ECV and handicap accessible. Furthermore, (please remember I'm not a doctor) but I feel like this would be a good family tour when one member has a mental disability. Never on this tour was it quiet, or eerily silenced, but it was also never loud and there were no flashing lights. There were many quick exits if you needed to excuse yourself for a second. Lastly the groups are small which is normally way easier for a child on a spectrum to deal with, even better there were no lines. It may also be important to add this tour kept moving, the guide would stop for about 4ish minutes and speak, answer questions and then movie to the next station. There was really no reason you wouldn't go on this tour unless you were in some way allergic to something growing and if that's the case you should be concerned with that plant growing throughout the regular property anyhow. 

All in all this was a fantastic tour that I would highly recommend to anyone wanting more from their Disney experience, but also wanted to save some cash as well!


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