Disney Trip Planning Steps


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Almost everyone wants to go to Disney, but many people get very discouraged and overwhelmed when it comes to the planning. Well, I am here to tell you that ANYONE can plan their trip if they get everything together by a few easy steps!

Choose When to Go

Can you go during off season? Do you need to wait for school to be out? Do you want the park to be open late? Figuring out when to go is the start for planning everything!

Pick Out Your Hotel

Start by deciding if you want to be on property of off. Then see what you can get with your price point! Then get to booking so you have important things set in stone!

Book the Logistics

Take this time to book your transportation to the resort (rental, flights etc) as well as your dog/ house sitter and any other things for when you are gone!

Plan Park Touring

Head to the site and get looking at what days you're there. Check out what days have Extra Magic Hours as they will be the busiest, and jot down which parks are open late! Once you seem to get everything together write it all down or keep in in an editable document online. Come back to this list when it's time for restaurant reservations and fast passes!

See? In as little as four steps you can get your vacation planned!


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Disney Trip Planning Resources