Should I Join The Disney Movie Club? Get The Disney Magic At Home!


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Waiting and counting down to your next Disney vacation is THE WORST. However, we have found that there are a few things that pass the time and help us get a little taste of Disney at our own home!

We always like to have "Disney Nights." We sit down and pop in a Disney movie with popcorn or break out a game. Yes, I know, not very inventive... but this is where I have to brag about some thing.


Have you heard of this? I LOVE it. It's really a no catch service. You sign up (You can do so by following this link) and automatically get a set of free movies. Real, legitimate and new Disney movies. At the time we signed up it was $1 for 5 movies, shipping included. There were also options to add on cheaper movies to get seven movies to start out with.

Sound too good to be true? It's a company backed by Disney so there are no weird catches. By signing up for the club you promise to purchase anywhere from 3-5 movies over the next 12 months. That's it. The number of required movies is dependent upon your contract when signing up and is under a tab under your account. Each month you will get a notice (that you have to decline if you do not want it) about your automatic new movie shipment coming. It is typically the newest release that Disney or Marvel has. If you happen to forget to deny the shipment you have a week to send it back in order to not be charged. It was super awesome to get so many movies in the beginning for so cheap and it is nice to be able to get new movies the day they come out as well! Seriously, this is a service you should totally consider!

I added it up and realized that I have saved over $550 by using the Disney Movie Club and not paying full price for movies when they release! This make complete sense to families as Netflix does not always have the new releases or when your kinds love them they suddenly disappear, ahem, Moana. Lastly, if you pair this with Disney Movie Rewards you will save EVEN MORE!

If the movie club is not your thing we also like to play games during these movie nights like Disney Family Feud, Disney Monopoly or one of these kinds of Disney Puzzles! It's a super fun way to get a little dose of Disney at home! Sometimes we even sneak in snacks like these!


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